Have You Ever Felt That You Are a Good Person?

If yes, then take a moment to thank your privilege.

Srinath Nalluri


Photo by H W on Unsplash

On a normal day, people queue up for their bus with neat discipline. They don’t push each other. They let the people in front of them in the queue board peacefully. They feel that they deserve it as they came first.

Now imagine, there is heavy rain, the bus got delayed and the queue got terribly longer. This time, when the bus comes, some of them will jump the queue. Those who are closer to the door, push the people around them and squeeze themselves in from the door sides. They are late for their offices and schools, and they somehow want to get there soon.

Now imagine, suddenly there comes a news update that bombing and firing is going to happen in that area, and the only escape is that bus which takes them safely to the next city.

How many do you think would be in the queue?

99% of them will push everyone around them and try to get into the bus somehow. They want to be alive first. This question — Should the people standing ahead of them in the queue deserve a better chance to live? — will not cross their minds now.

The lesson here is

People speak about morality and ethics only when their stomachs are full and life is comfortable. They surround themselves with the illusion that they are morally rich and they are extremely good people.

But sadly, the reality is completely different. Very few people (~1%) can afford to stand by those values at all times.

When a fear strikes, be it fear of losing life, fear of being moneyless, fear of losing power, fear of losing fame, it wakes up the demons inside the people and makes them do unbelievable things.

You are just as good as the situation around you allows you to be.

I have seen people who talked followed equality, sympathy and empathy, hog all the masks, food items, sanitisers and condoms during the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. I have heard of people not sharing the rescue flight details with their peers instantly during a war announcement due to the fear that they might not get seats.

So if you think you are nice, thank the universe that you are in a better place that is not unleashing the animalistic qualities in you.

These lines from The Dark Knight aptly summarise typical human nature.

Their morals, their code; it’s a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see- I’ll show you. When the chips are down these, uh, civilized people? They’ll eat each other. See I’m not a monster, I’m just ahead of the curve.



Srinath Nalluri

I’m a Solar Energy Researcher by Profession and Writer-Photographer by Passion. 100M+ Views and 2.5M+ Upvotes on Quora.